HTRC Trainers Community

HTRC Trainers Community

Librarians who attend all four days of the virtual series or who attend both days of our in-person training are invited to join the HTRC Trainers Community. The community is composed of librarians from HathiTrust member organizations who are interested in teaching with and about HTRC tools and services. 

Members of the Trainers Community have access to:

  • A community listserv
  • Increased support for teaching a workshop locally
  • Additional learning opportunities, including a 2021 reading group meeting every-other-month on Jan. 29, March 26, May 28, July 30, Sept. 24, and Nov. 19 at 1 ET.

Members of the community are expected to teach an HTRC workshop at their institution within 9 months of the training they attend.

Community members

The following librarians have opted to deepen their training with HTRC in order to offer text analysis support on their campuses:

Chelsea Johnston (University of Florida)

Suzanne Stapleton (University of Florida)

Tiffany Esteban (University of Florida)

Suzan Alteri (University of Florida)

Jeanne Ewert (University of Florida)

Cal Murgu (New College of Florida)

Ian Harmon (West Virginia University)

Lynne Stahl (West Virginia University)

Jennifer Hootman (University of Kentucky)

John Fink (McMaster University)

Amanda Montague (McMaster University)

Wade Wyckoff (McMaster University)

Laura Banfield (McMaster University)

Huajin Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)

Gillian Akenson (Queen's University)

Lateka Grays (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Priscilla Finley (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Brittani Sterling (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Halle Burns (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Cory Lampert (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Erin Wahl (New Mexico State University)

Ann Agee (San Jose State University)

Megan Macken (Oklahoma State University)

Anne Grant (Clemson University)

Joshua Seufert (Princeton University)

Emily Wild (Princeton University)

Martin Heijdra (Princeton University)

Ellen Ambrosone (Princeton University)

Willow Dressel (Princeton University)

Anu Vendantham (Princeton University)

Amelia Mowry (Wayne State University)

Beverly Mitchell (Southern Methodist University)

Cindy Boeke (Southern Methodist University)

Joshua Neds-Fox (Wayne State University)   

Karen Liston (Wayne State University)

Rafia Mirza (Southern Methodist University)

Catherine DeRose (Yale University)

Maryellen Larkin (Yale University)

Celina McDonald (University of Maryland)

Sarah Theimer (University of New Hampshire)

Anna Arays (Yale University)

David Lowe (Texas A&M University)

Adam Mazel (Union College)

David Durden (University of Maryland)

Scott Bailey (North Carolina State University)

Jason Eiseman (Yale University)

Kathryn Gucer (Johns Hopkins University)

Frederick Charles Carey (University of Colorado)

John Martin (University of North Texas)

Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (University of Colorado)

Amanda Rybin Koob (University of Colorado)

Linds Roberts (University of Colorado)

Shannon Sheridan (University of Wyoming)

Shu Liu (UC Irvine)