Notes of the User Group Meeting, Mar 3 2015

Notes of the User Group Meeting, Mar 3 2015

Attendees: Kate Dohe (Georgetown University)
HTRC: Loretta Auvil, Sayan Bhattacharyya, Miao Chen
The HTRC staff communicated with Kate Dohe from Georgetown University, the library of which joined HathiTrust recently. There is an informal group of digital humanities in the library. The portal tutorial and workshop materials were introduced to Kate, and a virtual session could be set up between HTRC and Georgetown U library to introduce HTRC and its tools if there are interests.
The topic will be around HTRC learning and presentation materials. HTRC hosts workshops about its tools frequently, and also libraries or scholars may also introduce HTRC and its tools to people. Thus it's important to have some ready-to-use learning materials for the presenters.
We will focus on three resources: