See the scheduled dates for HTRC Analytics maintenance periods, so you can anticipate these planned outages.
HTRC Monthly Maintenance
HTRC Analytics is inaccessible the second week of every month, from 5 a.m. ET Sunday through at least 12 p.m. ET Monday during routine, planned maintenance. HTRC services are unavailable during this time, including the HTRC Analytics site and Data Capsules environment. 2023 maintenance will happen on:
- January 14-15
- January 28
- February 11-12
- March 10-11
- April 14-15
- May 12-13
- June 9-10
- July 14-15
- August 11-12
- September 8-9
- October 13-14
- November 10-11
- December 8-9
Prior to maintenance, data capsule users should make sure any data they imported or created while in secure mode that they wish to retain is stored on the drive called secure_volume. Please turn your capsule off (“Stop” it on your dashboard) if possible. See “Maintenance vs. Secure mode” here: