Table of Contents |
1. Overview
This document is a starting point for users interested in downloading extracted feature (EF) data files corresponding to the specific HathiTrust Digital Library volumes that constitute their custom workset (that they have built with the HTRC Workset Builder).
that with our non consumptive virtual machine (VM). A non consumptive VM has two modes, i.e., maintenance mode and secure mode. In maintenance mode, user is allowed to access network freely except for HTRC corpus repository and install whatever software she wants. In secure mode, network access is restricted. Users are only allowed to access a few network addresses e.g., HTRC corpus repository. In addition, any changes user makes to the OS in secure mode will not be persisted. To save data, user needs to write to a specified storage called secure volume. The secure volume is invisible in maintenance mode.
We provide a user friendly web interface that users can interact with to manipulate VM running on our back end infrastructure. User can have following VM operations:
Create a VM. A virtual machine is created but its power is off.
Start a VM. The virtual machine starts up to maintenance mode.
Stop a VM. The virtual machine shutdowns.
Delete a VM. The virtual machine is deleted. Everything relative to this virtual machine is gone.
Switch a VM from maintenance mode to secure mode or vice versa.
Query VM status.
Once a VM is started, users can log into VM through a VNC client. To run analysis against HTRC OCR repository, users need to switch the VM to secure mode. Below is a typical workflow a new user may follow.
Create a new VM;
Start the new VM;
Log into the VM;
Configure the software environment as needed. Upload the analysis program to the VM;
Switch VM to secure mode through web interface;
Run the analysis program against HTRC corpus repository;
Switch VM back to maintenance mode to regain normal network access.
2. Virtual Machine Operations
This section covers all the operations you can make to the virtual machine. You are required to log in to the HTRC portal before you can perform these operations.
2.1 Create a Virtual Machine
Navigate to “Create Virtual Machine” tab and fill in the form. You need to choose an image from the drop down list, provide username and password for the VNC session, and choose how many CPU and memory you want your virtual machine has. Finally you hit the "Create VM" button. The VM creation procedure usually takes about 1 minute to finish.
2.2 Show a Virtual Machine Status
Navigate to “Virtual Machines” page, you can see all the VMs and available operations associated with the VM.
You can click on the vm id link to see more details about the VM. The “VM Initial Logging User ID” and “VM Initial Logging Password” are the username and password you use to log into the VM. These are different from the ones you use to open your VNC session to the VM. The “Public IP” and “VNC port” are information you need to open a VNC session. You can also use “Public IP” and “SSH port” to log into VM through ssh but this is only allowed in maintenance mode.
2.3 Start a Virtual Machine
You can start a virtual machine in the “Virtual Machine” page. This operation usually takes 2 ~ 3 minutes. Once the VM starts successfully, you can see more available operations e.g., switch, stop, and delete.
2.4 Log into a Virtual Machine
You can use your favorite VNC client, e.g. Google VNC Client, to connect to the VM by providing the VNC password and VM login username as well as login password.
2.5 Switch Virtual Machine Mode
By default, VM starts in maintenance mode where you can have network access. To switch to secure mode, you can hit the “Switch to Security” button. Once you perform the mode switch, within the VNC session, your screen is frozen in a short time. After that, you can resume your work. To switch from secure mode to maintenance mode, make sure you eject/unmount the secure volume before switching out of secure mode to ensure that any changes made to the secure volume are made permanent.
In the portal, go to "HTRC Data Capsule -> Show Virtual Machines" for the page for switching between modes. In the maintenance mode, click on the "Switch To Secure Mode" button in the portal to switch to the secure mode.
In the secure mode, click on the "Switch To Maintenance Mode" button in the portal to switch to the secure mode.
2.6 Stop a Virtual Machine
You can stop a VM by pushing the “Stop VM” button. After that, the VM shutdowns and everything inside the VM remains.
2.7 Restart a Virtual Machine
Although we do not provide a reset button for you to restart the VM directly, you can always stop the VM and then start it again. This has the same effect of pushing a reset button on a machine.
2.8 Delete a Virtual Machine
You can delete a VM by pushing the “Delete VM” button. After that, the VM is wiped out and everything inside the VM is gone.
3. Resources
1) The source code
The code base has 3 parts, a web GUI, web service and backend scripts
You can download the code for web GUI from http://sourceforge.net/p/htrc/code/HEAD/tree/HTRC-UI-Portal2/.
You can download the code repository for web service and backend scripts from https://github.com/htrc/HTRC-Data-Capsules
2) The web interface
Excerpt |
See the different ways you can download EF files to your local machine or inside a data capsule. |
Table of Contents | ||
The basics
Extracted Features are downloaded using a file transfer utility called rsync, which is a command line utility. Rsync will synchronize files from our servers to your system.
- For Mac or Linux users, rsync should be installed already on your system.
- Windows users can use it through cwRsync - Rsync for Windows or Cygwin.
- Not including a path will sync all files: this is possible, but remember that (for Extracted Features 2.0) the full dataset is 4 Terabytes! Only download all of it if you know what you are doing. Most people are downloading a subset of the files.
- The fastest way to sync is by pointing at exactly the files that you want. Use the htrc-ef-all-files.txt file if you want the paths to all the EF files.
- Have a custom list of volumes and want to get the file paths for it? We have created two options to help:
- Uploading the volume list to HTRC Analytics as a workset allows you to download a shell script. Details.
- The HTRC Feature Reader installs a command line utility, htid2rsync, and Python functions for doing the same. Details.
HTRC Feature Reader
We provide a Python library called the HTRC Feature Reader which simplifies many of the activities that you may want to perform with EF Dataset, including generating file paths for volumes for which you know the HathiTrust volume ID. The Feature Reader is compatible with Extracted Features versions 2.0 and 1.5.
Read full documentation for the HTRC Feature Reader, including code examples.
File names
Filenames are derived from the associated volume's HathiTrust volume ID, with the following characters substituted:
original character | substitute character |
: | + |
/ | = |
Unzipping downloaded files
The downloaded content will be compiled in a compressed file (.bz2). You will need to navigate your local system and properly unzip any file(s) you wish you view. The bunzip2 command may be useful. Many researchers will prefer to use the compressed files, and the HTRC Feature Reader will work with compressed files.
Anchor EF2download EF2download
Download Extracted Features version 2.0
EF2download | |
EF2download |
Download Format
File Format
Sample Files
A sample of 100 extracted feature files is available for download through your browser: sample-EF202003.zip
Also, thematic collections are available to download: DocSouth_sample_EF202003.zip (82 volumes), EEBO_sample_EF202003.zip (234 volumes), ECCO_sample_EF202003.zip (412 volumes).
The dataset is stored in a directory specification created by HTRC called stubbytree. (Note: This is a change from previous versions of the Extracted Features dataset that used the pairtree directory specification.) Stubbytree places files in a directory structure based on the file name, with the highest level directory being the HathiTrust source code (i.e. volume ID prefix), and then using every third character of the cleaned volume ID, starting with the first, to create a sub-directory. For example the Extracted Features file for the volume with HathiTrust ID nyp.33433070251792 would be located at:
Download Options
The rsync module (or alias path) for Extracted Features 2.0 is data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/ .
If you run the rsync command as written above, without specifying file paths, it will sync all files. Do not do this unless you are prepared to work with the full dataset, which is 4 TB. Make sure to include the final period (.) when running your command in order to sync the files to your current directory, or else provide the path to the local directory of your choosing where you would like the files to be synced to.
A full listing of all the files is available from:
Code Block |
rsync -azv data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/listing/file_listing.txt |
It is possible to sync any single Extracted Features file in the following manner:
Code Block |
rsync -av data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/{PATH-TO-FILE} . |
Rather than learning the pairtree specification, we recommend using the HTRC Feature Reader’s command line htid2rsync tool. For example, to get rsync a single Extracted Features file when you know the HathiTrust volume ID:
Code Block |
htid2rsync {VOLUMEID} | rsync --files-from - data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/ |
You can also download multiple files by writing the Extracted Features files’ paths to a text file, and then run the following command:
Code Block |
rsync -av --files-from FILE.TXT data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/ . |
You can sync into a single folder, throwing away the directory structure, by adding --no-relative to the rsync command:
Code Block |
rsync -av --no-relative --files-from FILE.TXT data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2020.03/ . |
Converting HathiTrust Volume ID to stubbytree URL using HTRC Feature Reader
If you already have a list of HT volume IDs, you can use a Python library developed by the HTRC called the HTRC Feature Reader library, to prepare to rsync your volumes of interest. Here is an example showing the conversion of one HT volume ID into an rsync url as it would incorporated into Python:
Code Block | ||
| ||
from htrc_features import utils
utils.id_to_rsync('hvd.32044140344292') # 'format' is an optional parameter with the default value of format=’stubbytree’ |
Feature Reader also comes with a command line utility called htid2rsync
which can be used to generate filepaths to EF 2.0 data:
Code Block | ||
| ||
>>$ htid2rsync hvd.32044140344292
>> hvd/34449/hvd.32044140344292.json.bz2 |
Use HTRC EF Download Helper Algorithm
To download the Extracted Features data for a specific workset in HTRC Analytics, there is an algorithm that generates the Rsync download script, the Extracted Features Download Helper. The tool can also be useful if you don’t want to go through the process of determining files paths. Select version 0.2 when you run the algorithm to get the Extracted Features 2.0 version of the files.
The algorithm creates a shell script that you can download and run from your local command line. The file lists the rsync commands for every volume in an HTRC workset.
The algorithm creates a shell script that you can download and run from your local command line. The file lists the rsync commands for every volume in an HTRC workset. Once you have run the algorithm and downloaded the resulting file, you will run the resulting .sh file.
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Go to HTRC Analytics Navigate to https://analytics.hathitrust.org and log in. Go to the Worksets page of HTRC Analytics Click on the 'Worksets' link near the top of the screen. From the list of worksets that appear, choose the one you would like to get Extracted Features for and click on its name. From the 'Analyze with Algorithm' drop down menu, choose the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm. This algorithm generates a script for downloading the feature data files that correspond to your workset. Execute the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm Specify a job name of your choosing. Select Extracted Features 2.0 from the dataset drop down. Then, click the ‘Submit’ button. Wait until the algorithm has finished and then open the completed job to download Eventually, the job will complete, and it will move to the "Completed Jobs" section of the page. Click on the link representing the job name to see the results.
From the results page, click the blue button to download the shell script you will use to get the Extracted Features. The file will go wherever downloads typically end up on your machine, often the Downloads folder.
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For Windows users, make sure your computer is set-up to run rsync we recommend cwRsync - Rsync for Windows or Cygwin. Navigate to the directory where the script file is located From the command line, navigate to the directory where the script file is located. This directory will typically be called Downloads, though the location may be different depending on your machine and if you have moved the file. Here is an example:
Run the shell script Then run the file you downloaded. It is a shell script.
When you run it, the Extracted Features files for the volumes in your workset will be downloaded. Note that your workset could contain a volume for which an Extracted Features File has not been created due to the way that the versions of Extracted Features are snapshots of the HathiTrust corpus at specific points in time. The files will download in pairtree directory structure. (Optional) Uncompress the downloaded files Because the feature data files are compressed, you may need to uncompress them into JSON-formatted text files, depending on your need. The compression used is bzip2. If you are using the files with the HTRC Feature Reader, the library will deal with the compression automatically. |
Anchor EF1.5download EF1.5download
Downloading Extracted Features version 1.5
EF1.5download | |
EF1.5download |
Download Format
File Format
Sample Files
A sample of 100 extracted feature files is available for download through your browser: sample-EF201801.zip.
Also, thematic collections are available to download: DocSouth_sample_EF201801.zip (87 volumes),EEBO_sample_EF201801.zip (355 volumes), ECCO_sample_EF201801.zip (505 volumes).
The data is stored in a pairtree directory structure, allowing you to infer the location of any file based on its HathiTrust volume identifier. Pairtree format is an efficient directory structure, which is important for HathiTrust-scale data, where the files are placed in directories based on “pairs” of characters in their file names. For example the Extracted Features file for the volume with HathiTrust ID mdp.39015073767769 would be located at:
When you download the files, they will sync in pairtree directory structure, as well.
Download Options
The Rsync module (or alias path) for Extracted Features 1.5 is data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/ .
If you run the rsync command as written above, without specifying file paths, it will sync all files. Do not do this unless you are prepared to work with the full dataset, which is 4 TB. Make sure to include the final period (.) when running your command in order to sync the files to your current directory, or else provide the path to the local directory of your choosing where you would like the files to be synced to.
A full listing of all the files is available from:
Code Block |
rsync -azv data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/listing/file_listing.txt |
In order to rsync a file or set of files, you must know their directory path on HTRC’s servers. It is possible to sync any single Extracted Features file in the following manner:
Code Block |
rsync -av data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/{PATH-TO-FILE} . |
Rather than learning the pairtree specification, we recommend using the HTRC Feature Reader’s command line htid2rsync tool. For example, to get rsync a single Extracted Features file when you know the HathiTrust volume ID:
Code Block |
htid2rsync {VOLUMEID} | rsync --files-from - data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/ |
You can also download multiple files by writing the Extracted Features files’ paths to a text file, and then run the following command:
Code Block |
rsync -av --files-from FILE.TXT data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/ . |
You can sync into a single folder, throwing away the directory structure, by adding --no-relative to the rsync command:
Code Block |
rsync -av --no-relative --files-from FILE.TXT data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2018.01/ . |
Converting HathiTrust Volume ID to rsync URL using HTRC Feature Reader
If you already have a list of HT volume IDs, you can use a Python library developed by the HTRC called the HTRC Feature Reader library, to prepare to rsync your volumes of interest. Here is an example showing the conversion of one HT volume ID into an rsync url:
Code Block | ||
| ||
from htrc_features import utils
utils.id_to_rsync('hvd.32044140344292', format='pairtree') |
Feature Reader also comes with a command line utility called htid2rsync
which can be used to generate filepaths to EF 1.5 data using the flag --oldstyle
Code Block | ||
| ||
>>$ htid2rsync hvd.32044140344292 --oldstyle
>> hvd/pairtree_root/32/04/41/40/34/42/92/32044140344292/hvd.32044140344292.json.bz2 |
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Converting HathiTrust Volume ID to RSync URL (using Python)Researchers who have their list of HT volume IDs but prefer not to use the HTRC Feature Reader, can convert HT volume IDs into rsync URLs using a Python script. This example is a simplified part of a longer notebook, which further describes how to collect and download large lists of volumes: ID to EF Rsync Link.ipynb. If you don't have it, you may have to install the pairtree library with: pip install pairtree (Python 2.x only).
Workset Builder 2.0
Extracted Features 1.5 files can also be downloaded for search results in HTRC's beta Workset Builder 2.0. After completing your search, you can download either the Extracted Features files for your results set or for single files from your results.
First, enter search terms for a desired set of volumes. Once results are returned, filter the results to remove any volumes for which you do not want Extracted Features files or to find the volume(s) most relevant to your work.
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You can download the files for your entire results set. Once your results includes all of the volumes you'd like Extracted Features files for, click "JSON Extracted Features (ZIP)" under the "Export Search Results" heading at the top of the left sidebar. Clicking this link will start a download of the Extracted Features files for all volumes in your results. Since this process is fetching and compressing files, and result sets can be large, it may take a few moments to start and finish your download. |
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If you'd like to download Extracted Features files for individual volumes, you can click the link "Download Extracted Features (complete volume)" under each volume in the search results. This will download uncompressed Extracted Features for the given volume, in JSON. |
Use HTRC EF Download Helper Algorithm
To download the Extracted Features data for a specific workset in HTRC Analytics, there is an algorithm that generates the Rsync download script, the Extracted Features Download Helper. The tool can also be useful if you don’t want to go through the process of determining files paths. Select version 1.5 when you run the algorithm to get the Extracted Features 1.5 version of the files.
The algorithm creates a shell script that you can download and run from your local command line. The file lists the rsync commands for every volume in an HTRC workset. Once you have run the algorithm and downloaded the resulting file, you will run the resulting .sh file.
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Go to HTRC Analytics Navigate to https://analytics.hathitrust.org and log in. Go to the Worksets page of HTRC Analytics Click on the 'Worksets' link near the top of the screen. From the list of worksets that appear, choose the one you would like to get Extracted Features for and click on its name. From the 'Analyze with Algorithm' drop down menu, choose the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm. This algorithm generates a script for downloading the feature data files that correspond to your workset. Execute the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm Specify a job name of your choosing. Select Extracted Features 1.0 from the dataset drop down.Then, click the ‘Submit’ button. Wait until the algorithm has finished and then open the completed job to download Eventually, the job will complete, and it will move to the "Completed Jobs" section of the page. Click on the link representing the job name to see the results.
From the results page, click the blue button to download the shell script you will use to get the Extracted Features. The file will go wherever downloads typically end up on your machine, often the Downloads folder.
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For Windows users, make sure your computer is set-up to run rsync we recommend cwRsync - Rsync for Windows or Cygwin. Navigate to the directory where the script file is located From the command line, navigate to the directory where the script file is located. This directory will typically be called Downloads, though the location may be different depending on your machine and if you have moved the file. Here is an example:
Run the shell script Then run the file you downloaded. It is a shell script.
When you run it, the Extracted Features files for the volumes in your workset will be downloaded. Note that your workset could contain a volume for which an Extracted Features File has not been created due to the way that the versions of Extracted Features are snapshots of the HathiTrust corpus at specific points in time. The files will download in pairtree directory structure. (Optional) Uncompress the downloaded files Because the feature data files are compressed, you may need to uncompress them into JSON-formatted text files, depending on your need. The compression used is bzip2. If you are using the files with the HTRC Feature Reader, the library will deal with the compression automatically. |
Anchor EF.2download EF.2download
Downloading Extracted Features version 0.2
EF.2download | |
EF.2download |
Download Format
File Format
Sample Files
A sample of 100 extracted feature files is available for download through your browser: sample-EF201801.zip.
Also, thematic collections are available to download: DocSouth_sample_EF201801.zip (87 volumes), EEBO_sample_EF201801.zip (355 volumes), ECCO_sample_EF201801.zip (505 volumes).
The data is stored in a pairtree directory structure, allowing you to infer the location of any file based on its HathiTrust volume identifier. Pairtree format is an efficient directory structure, which is important for HathiTrust-scale data, where the files are placed in directories based on “pairs” of characters in their file names. For example the Extracted Features file for the volume with HathiTrust ID mdp.39015073767769 would be located at:
When you download the files, they will sync in pairtree directory structure, as well.
Download Options
Rsync will download each feature file individually, following a pairtree directory structure.
The Rsync module (or alias path) for Extracted Features .2 is data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2015.02
If you run the rsync command as written above, without specifying file paths, it will sync all files. Do not do this unless you are prepared to work with the full dataset, which is 1.2 TB. Make sure to include the final period (.) when running your command in order to sync the files to your current directory, or else provide the path to the local directory of your choosing where you would like the files to be synced to.
A full listing of all the files is available from:
Code Block |
rsync -azv data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2015.02/listing/file_listing.txt |
Users hoping for a more flexible file listing can use rsync's --list-only flag.
To rsync only the files in a given text file:
Code Block |
rsync -av --files-from FILE.TXT data.analytics.hathitrust.org::features-2015.02/. |
Use HTRC EF Download Helper Algorithm
To download the Extracted Features data for a specific workset in HTRC Analytics, there is an algorithm that generates the Rsync download script, the Extracted Features Download Helper. The tool can also be useful if you don’t want to go through the process of determining files paths. Select version 0.2 when you run the algorithm to get the Extracted Features 0.2 version of the files.
The algorithm creates a shell script that you can download and run from your local command line. The file lists the rsync commands for every volume in an HTRC workset. Once you have run the algorithm and downloaded the resulting file, you will run the resulting .sh file.
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Go to HTRC Analytics Navigate to https://analytics.hathitrust.org and log in. Go to the Worksets page of HTRC Analytics Click on the 'Worksets' link near the top of the screen. From the list of worksets that appear, choose the one you would like to get Extracted Features for and click on its name. From the 'Analyze with Algorithm' drop down menu, choose the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm. This algorithm generates a script for downloading the feature data files that correspond to your workset. Execute the Extracted Features Download Helper algorithm Specify a job name of your choosing. Select Extracted Features 0.2 from the dataset selection drop down. Then, click the ‘Submit’ button. Wait until the algorithm has finished and then open the completed job to download Eventually, the job will complete, and it will move to the "Completed Jobs" section of the page. Click on the link representing the job name to see the results.
From the results page, click the blue button to download the shell script you will use to get the Extracted Features. The file will go wherever downloads typically end up on your machine, often the Downloads folder.
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For Windows users, make sure your computer is set-up to run rsync we recommend cwRsync - Rsync for Windows or Cygwin. Navigate to the directory where the script file is located From the command line, navigate to the directory where the script file is located. This directory will typically be called Downloads, though the location may be different depending on your machine and if you have moved the file. Here is an example:
Run the shell script Then run the file you downloaded. It is a shell script.
When you run it, the Extracted Features files for the volumes in your workset will be downloaded. Note that your workset could contain a volume for which an Extracted Features File has not been created due to the way that the versions of Extracted Features are snapshots of the HathiTrust corpus at specific points in time. The files will download in pairtree directory structure. (Optional) Uncompress the downloaded files Because the feature data files are compressed, you may need to uncompress them into JSON-formatted text files, depending on your need. The compression used is bzip2. If you are using the files with the HTRC Feature Reader, the library will deal with the compression automatically. |