You should see a message, as shown below, stating that the workset has been created.
1) The source code
The code base has 3 parts, a web GUI, web service and backend scripts
You can download the code for web GUI from http://sourceforge.net/p/htrc/code/HEAD/tree/HTRC-UI-Portal2/.
You can download the code repository for web service and backend scripts from https://github.com/htrc/HTRC-Data-Capsules
2) The web interface
Generate the data file transfer script
3.1 Return to the HTRC SHARC screen
Click on the ‘Portal’ link, which is at the top right corner of the screen.
3.1 Prepare to execute an algorithm
You should now be back at the HTRC SHARC screen, as shown below. Click on the 'Algorithms' link, which is near the top of the screen.
3.2 Prepare to execute the EF_Rsync_Script_Generator algorithm
From the list of algorithms that shows up (as shown below), click on EF_Rsync_Script_Generator. This is the algorithm for generating the script for downloading the feature data files that correspond to your workset.
3.2 Execute the EF_Rsync_Script_Generator algorithm